World Bank “Smart Cities” Series Webinar with WeGO Secretary General Gunso Kim

WeGO Secretary General Gunso Kim will speak on Improving City Management through Data and Analytics

 Date: June 23, 2014

Time: 9:00AM EST

Speaker:   Gunso Kim, Secretary General of World e-Governments Organization of Cities and Local Governments and CIO of Seoul Metropolitan Government

Webinar Registration

WeGO and World Bank have a long-standing partnership that started with the signature of the Memorandum of Understanding in 2011. Building on the strong partnership, WeGO Secretary General Gunso Kim has been invited to speak in the “Smart Cities” series of the World Bank Institute’s successful webinar program. The webinar will showcase examples of how city governments leverage data and analytics to more efficiently deliver services, engage citizens and inform public policy.

WeGO Secretary General Gunso Kim’s “Big Data” Presentation at the Webinar

The City of Seoul, a global leader in e-Government, has ambitious plans to process Big Data and to utilize it effectively to enhance the quality of life of its citizens. For instance, Seoul has established the optimal route for its late night bus service (from the wee hours of 1am – 5am) by converging hundreds of millions of Call Detail Records (CDR) data provided by a telecommunications company along with the city’s administrative bus route and other public data. WeGO Secretary General Gunso Kim, who is also the CIO of Seoul, will review and introduce this and other exciting Big Data projects, such as the taxi “matchmaking” service, in Seoul’s pipeline. Besides WeGO Secretary General Kim, Mr. Jorge Soto, Deputy General Director of Civic Innovation at Presidencia de la República Mexico, will share the policies and practices of Mexico.

Do not miss this chance to learn about Seoul’s public policies based on Big Data analysis. Find out more about the webinar and register here!

Please visit to access additional information about World Bank Institute’s webinars, including this event series, as well as video recordings and presentation materials after the session.

The first session of the Smart Cities webinar series with the title “Introduction of Smart Cities”, was held on May 28, 2014 by Chris Vein, Chief Innovation Officer for Global ICT Development of the World Bank.   You can see a video recording of this webinar at

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