Participate in WeGO awards-2014 - apply now!

WeGO welcomes every city to participate in WeGO Awards. Online application is available till June31, 2014!

 The WeGO Awards were established to identify good e-government practices between and among cities all over the globe. WeGO highly encourages cities and local governments to participate in this event and share their improvements. WeGO Awards aims to recognize and promote outstanding practices of e-government of cities and local governments as well as public organizations and agencies around the world that used information and communication technologies to improve administrative efficiency and citizens’ access to public services.

WeGO Awards is open to all the cities and local governments as well as public organizations and agencies around the world. Winners will be awarded at the 3rd General Assembly of WeGO to be held in Chengdu, Sichuan Province (China) on 3-6 November 2014. 

WeGO Awards are given in the following five categories:
1. Services
2. Efficiency
3. Open City
4. Urban Management
5. Digital Divide

To apply you need to:
1. Register at
2. Click here to download an attachment package by category.
Each package includes an application form and a nomination form by category. Both forms should be filled out in English. Any forms in other languages will not be accepted. Please note that each project should be submitted for one category only.
3. Submit the complete forms of application and nomination here.
Note: Each city can submit up to two applications.

For more detailed information please visit


16.04.14 09:58